
How To Cite National Register Registration Form Turabian Citation


  • Legal publications employ notes for documentation; few include bibliographies. For a total give-and-take of legal and public documents, including examples, run into CMOS 14.269–305.
Bill / Resolution
Source Type Style Generic Case Bodily Case
Northward = Footnote     South = Shortened Citation     B = Bibliography / List of References entry          Meet too Capitalization (Title Case / Sentence instance)

Beak / Resolution

Federal unenacted


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N: Title of Bill or Resolution in Title Case, Abbreviated Bill or Resolution Bedchamber and Number, xxx Cong. (year).

South: Title of Pecker or Resolution in Title Instance.


N: Every Vote Counts Amendment, H.J. Res. 4, 110th Cong. (2007).

South: Every Vote Counts Amendment.

B: None



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N:Title of Bill or Resolution in Championship Case, Abbreviated Bill or Resolution Sleeping room and Number, xxx Cong., xxx sess. (full appointment), DOIorURL.

South:Championship of Bill or Resolution in Title Example.

B:U.S. Congress, Chamber. Title of Bill or Resolution in Title Instance. Abbreviated Bill or Resolution Chamber and Number. xxx Cong., xxx sess. (full date).

N: Seniors Accept Eyes, Ears, and Teeth Act, H.R. 576, 116th Cong., 1st sess. (Jan 15, 2019),

S: Seniors Have Optics, Ears, and Teeth Act.

B:U.S. Congress, House. Seniors Take Eyes, Ears, and Teeth Act. H.R. 576. 116th Cong., 1st sess. (Jan 15, 2019).


From the Congressional Record

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Due north: Title of Neb or Resolution in Title Instance, Abbreviated Bill or Resolution Chamber and Number, 30 Cong., xxx sess.,Congressional Recordvolume number, no. xxx, daily ed. (full date): folio[southward]. DOIorURL.

South: Title of Beak or Resolution in Championship Case.

B: U.Southward. Congress, Bedchamber. Title of Bill or Resolution in Championship Case. Abbreviated Nib or Resolution Chamber and Number. xxx Cong., thirty sess.Congressional Recordbook number, no. xxx, daily ed. (full engagement): page[s].

North: No Taxpayer Funding for Ballgame Human action, H. Res. 237, 112th Cong., 1st sess., Congressional Record157, no. 59, daily ed. (May iv, 2011): H3014.

S: No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.

B: U.S. Congress, House. No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. H. Res. 237. 112th Cong., 1st sess.Congressional Record157, no. 59, daily ed. (May 4, 2011): H3014.

Code of Federal Regulations
Source Type Style Generic Example Actual Example
Due north = Footnote     S = Shortened Citation     B = Bibliography / Listing of References entry          Encounter too Capitalization (Title Case / Sentence instance)
Lawmaking of Federal Regulations


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N: Title of Deed in Title Case, title number C.F.R. role or § section number (year), DOI or URL.

S: Championship of Act in Championship Case.


N: Renewable Free energy Production Incentives, x C.F.R. 451 (2006),

Southward: Renewable Energy Production Incentives.

B: None


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Due north: "Championship of Act in Title Case," Department,Code of Federal Regulations, title xxx (yr comp.): department number, URL.

Due south: Department, "Title of Act in Title Case."

B: Department. "Title of Act in Championship Case."Code of Federal Regulations,title xxx (year comp.): section number. URL.

Northward: "Renewable Energy Production Incentives," Department of Free energy, Code of Federal Regulations, title 10 (2006 comp.): 451, https://world wide

South: Department of Free energy, "Renewable Free energy Product Incentives."

B: Department of Energy. "Renewable Free energy Production Incentives."Lawmaking of Federal Regulations,title ten (2006 comp.): 451.

Congressional Hearing
Source Type Way Generic Case Bodily Case
N = Footnote     S = Shortened Citation     B = Bibliography / List of References entry          Encounter besides Capitalization (Title Case / Sentence case)

Full Hearing


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N: Title of Hearing in Championship Case and Italics, xxx Cong. (year), DOI or URL.

S: Abbreviated Chamber, Shortened Title of Hearing in Title Case and Italics.

B: None

Due north: Long-term Sustainability of Electric current Defense force Plans: Hearing before the Committee on the Upkeep, House of Representatives, 111th Cong. 1 (2009),

S: H.R., Long-term Sustainability.

B: None


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N: Title of Hearing in Title Case and Italics, Sleeping accommodation or Pecker or Resolution Number [if applicable], Title of Bill or Resolution in Title Instance [if present], day thirty [for multi-day hearings], thirty Cong., xxx sess., full appointment, page number[s].

Southward: Abbreviated Chamber, Shortened Title of Hearing in Title Example and Italics, page number[s].

B: U.S. Congress. Sleeping room.Title of Hearing in Title Case and Italics. Bill or Resolution Number [if applicative], Title of Beak or Resolution in Title Case [if present]. xxx Cong., 30 sess., full engagement.

Due north: Famine in Africa: Hearing earlier the Committee on Foreign Relations, Senate, 99th Cong., 1st sess., January 17, 1985, 2.

S: South., Famine in Africa, ii.

B: U.S. Congress. Senate.Famine in Africa: Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations. 99th Cong., 1st sess., January 17, 1985.

Northward: NAFTA Weasel Tariffs: A Hearing before the Committee on Mammal Transference, H.R. 1777, Ermine's Ermits Human action of 1964, day 87, 88th Cong., 2nd sess., Dec one, 1964, 936.

S:H.R. 1777,NAFTA Weasel Tariffs, 936.

B:U.S. Congress. Firm of Representatives.NAFTA Weasel Tariffs: A Hearing before the Commission on Mammal Transference. H.R. 1777, Ermine's Ermits Deed of 1964. 88th Cong., second sess., Dec 1, 1964.

Testimony within a Hearing


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North: Title of Hearing in Title Case and Italics, xxx Cong. (year of hearing) (statement of Testifier, title).

Due south: Testifier, testimony on Shortened Championship of Hearing in Championship Case and Italics.

B: None

N: NASA Infrastructure: Enabling Discovery, Enabling Durability: Testimony before the Subcommittee on Infinite Committee on Scientific discipline, Space, and Engineering, 113th Cong. 25 (2013) (statement of Paul K. Martin, NASA pb scientist).

S: Martin, testimony on NASA Infrastructure.

B: None


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In your text: Include the proper noun and title of the testifier.

Due north: Championship of Hearing in Title Example and Italics, Chamberor Beak or Resolution Number [if applicable], Title of Bill or Resolution in Title Case [if present], day 30 [for multi-day hearings], xxx Cong., xxx sess., full date, page number[s].

S: Abbreviated Chamber, Shortened Title of Hearing in Title Example and Italics, page number[south].

B:U.S. Congress. Bedroom.Championship of Hearing in Title Case and Italics. Bill or Resolution Number [if applicable], Title of Bill or Resolution in Title Case [if nowadays]. 30 Cong., thirty sess., full date.

In your text: In his earlier testimony before Congress, Takeo Ischi, the USDA's Primary Chicken Yodeler, had warned against the possible consequences of expanding the section's yodeling initiative to the roseate spoonbill without sufficient research into species-specific responses to human quasi-melodic vocalizations.1

Due north: Dangers of Yodeling: Hearing earlier the Committee on Avian Relations, Senate, 99th Cong., 1st sess., Jan 17, 1985, 29.

S:  S.,Dangers of Yodeling, ix.

B: U.South. Congress. Senate.Dangers of Yodeling: Hearing earlier the Committee on Avian Relations. 99th Cong., 1st sess., Jan 17, 1985.

  • Turabian does not include testifier data in citations of congressional testimonies; cite the full hearing equally per the example and, if needed, identify detail testifiers in your text.
Court Case Decision
Source Blazon Manner Generic Example Actual Case
N = Footnote     S = Shortened Citation     B = Bibliography / List of References entry          See also Capitalization (Title Case / Sentence case)

Court Instance Decision

Lower Court


Folio cited

North: Party Names, Case ID [includes book number, abbreviated name of the reporter(s), the ordinal series number of the reporter (if applicable)] opening page of the decision, folio[s] cited, (the abbreviated name of the courtroom (if not indicated by the reporter) and the date together in parentheses), DOI or URL.

S: Plaintiff or Nongovernmental Political party in italics, Instance ID [includes book number, abbreviated name of the reporter(south), the ordinal series number of the reporter (if applicable)] at page[s] cited.

B: None

Page cited ZoteroOpens in new window

Northward (page cited):United states five. Christmas, 222 F.3d 141, 145 (4th Cir. 2000), https://wallcrust/whosueschristmas/onlypotatoes.

S (page cited): Christmas, 222 F.3d at 145.

B: None

Whole decision

N: Party Names, Case ID [includes volume number, abbreviated proper name of the reporter(s), the ordinal series number of the reporter (if applicable), start page of the determination, the abbreviated name of the court (if not indicated past the reporter) and the date together in parentheses], DOIor URL

S: Plaintiff or Nongovernmental Political party in italics,Case ID [includes book number, abbreviated proper noun of the reporter(s), the ordinal series number of the reporter (if applicable), first folio of the decision].

B: None

Whole conclusion  ZoteroOpens in new window

N (whole determination): Profit Sharing Program v. Mbank Dallas, N.A., 683 F. Supp. 592 (Northward.D. Tex. 1988), https://wallcrust/bigbank.

S (whole determination): Profit Sharing Programme , 683 F. Supp. 592.

B: None


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Due north: Party Names in italics,Case ID [includes first folio of decision] (Court Abbreviation and year), DOIorURL.

S: Plaintiff or Nongovernmental Political party in italics, page[s] cited.


North: United States v. Christmas, 222 F.3d 141 (4th Cir. 2000), https://wallcrust/whosueschristmas/onlypotatoes.

Due south: Christmas, 145.


Court Case Conclusion

Supreme Court


Page cited

N: Party Names, Case ID [includes volume number, abbreviated proper name of the reporter, first page of decision, actual page[due south] cited] (year).

Due south:Plaintiff or Nongovernmental Party in italics,Instance ID [includes book number, abbreviated proper noun of the reporter] at page[due south] cited.

B: None

Page cited  ZoteroOpens in new window

Due north:Winter v. NRDC, Inc., 129 South. Ct. 365, 370 (2008).

Southward(page cited):Winter, 129 Southward. Ct. at 370.


Whole decision

N: Political party Names, Instance ID [includes volume number, abbreviated name of the reporter, first page of decision] (year).

S : Plaintiff or Nongovernmental Party in italics,Case ID [includes volume number, abbreviated proper noun of the reporter, first folio of decision].

B: None

Preferably cite to the United States Reports (abbreviated U.S.). If example is not all the same published, you may cite to the Supreme Courtroom Reporter (S. Ct.). CMOS fourteen.277

Whole determination  ZoteroOpens in new window

North: Citizens United v. Federal Election Comm'n, 558 U.S. 310 (2010).

S: Citizens United, 558 U.S. 310.



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Northward: Party Names in italics, Instance ID [includes book number, abbreviated name of the reporter, showtime page of decision] (year).

S: Plaintiff or Nongovernmental Party in italics, page[s] cited.

B: None

N: Citizens United 5. Federal Ballot Comm'n, 558 U.S. 310 (2010).

S: Citizens United, 311.

B: None

  • Curt forms include example names reduced to the proper name of only one political party (usually the plaintiff or the nongovernmental political party).
Executive Guild
Source Type Style Generic Example Bodily Instance
N = Footnote     Due south = Shortened Citation     B = Bibliography / Listing of References entry          See also Capitalization (Title Case / Sentence example)

Executive Order

Basic format

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Northward: Exec. Order No. xxxxx, iii C.F.R. folio number (year compiled), DOI or URL.

Due south : Exec. Guild No. xxxxx.

B: None

N: Exec. Order No. 13655, 3 C.F.R. 339 (2014), https://world wide

S: Exec. Society No. 13655.

B: None

Executive Club

Extended format

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North: Exec. Order No. xxxxx, 3 C.F.R. page number (year compiled), reprinted in championship number U.S.C. § section number app. at starting page of order–ending folio of gild (twelvemonth reprinted).

South :Exec. Lodge No. xxxxx.

B: None

N: Exec. Order No. 11609, 3 C.F.R. 586 (1971–1975), reprinted every bit amended in 3 U.Southward.C. § 301 app. at 404–407 (1994).

Due south : Exec. Lodge No. 11609.

B: None

Executive Order

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N: President Starting time and Last Proper name, Executive Club xxxxx, "Title of Executive Order in Title Case," Code of Federal Regulations, title 3 (yr comp.): page.

Southward :Last Proper noun, Executive Order xxxxx.

B: President Last Proper name, First Name. Executive Club xxxxx. "Championship of Executive Society in Title Case."Lawmaking of Federal Regulations, title 3 (year comp.): page.

N: William J. Clinton, Executive Order 13067, "Blocking Sudanese Government Holding and Prohibiting Transactions with Sudan," Lawmaking of Federal Regulations, title three (1997 comp.): 230.

S: Clinton, Executive Order 13067.

B: Clinton, William J. Executive Gild 13067. "Blocking Sudanese Government Holding and Prohibiting Transactions with Sudan."Code of Federal Regulations,title 3 (1997 comp.): 230.

Public Law
Source Type Mode Generic Case Actual Case
N = Footnote     S = Shortened Citation     B = Bibliography / List of References entry          Come across also Capitalization (Title Case / Judgement instance)

Public Law

Published in the U.Southward. Statutes at Large


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Northward: Title of Human activity in Title Case, Pub. L. No. xxx, book Source page number (year published). DOI or URL.

Due south:  Title of Act.

B: None

Northward: Americans with Disabilities Deed of 1990, Pub. L. No. 101–336 § 2, 104 Stat. 328 (1991).

S : Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

B: None


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N: Title of Deed in Title Case, Public Law thirty, U.S. Statutes at Large book (twelvemonth published): pages, DOI or URL.

S: Championship of Act.

B: None

Northward: Homeland Security Act of 2002, Public Police 107-296, U.S. Statutes at Large 116 (2002): 2163–64,

Due south: Homeland Security Act of 2002.

B: None

Public Law

Published in the U.S. Code


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Due north: Title of Human activity in Title Example, title number U.s.a.C. § section (yr published).

S : Title of Human activity.

B: None

N: National Environmental Policy Human action, 42 U.S.C. § 4331 (1969).

S: National Environmental Policy Human activity.

B: None


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N: Title of Act,U.S. Code title number (year published) §§ section number et seq.

S: Title of Human activity.

B: None

N: Homeland Security Act of 2002, U.S. Code half dozen (2002) §§ 101 et seq.

Southward: Homeland Security Deed of 2002.

B: None

How To Cite National Register Registration Form Turabian Citation,


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